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2018 promise to be an excellent year!

Destination stratosphere “Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.” One of the many sayings by Albert Einstein […]

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Happy Holidays!

Dear partners, supporters and friends, 2017 has been a rich, fabulous and moving year! We celebrated the maiden flight of […]

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SolarStratos, an experimental model

L’avion SolarStratos, un modèle expérimental Après avoir effectué ses premiers vols d’essai, voici l’avion SolarStratos entré, pour la période hivernale, […]

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Depressurization + gas + un lounge = an autumn newsletter from SolarStratos

R&D inMoscou At the end of September, we spoke of the tests carried out on Raphaël with the space suit […]

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SolarStratos, a multidimensional adventure

The hot temperatures of the summer months might be moving south, but the mercury continues to soar at the SolarStratos […]

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SolarStratos back in action !

The summer holidays are over and the entire team at SolarStratos is back at work. We hope that you enjoyed […]

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First international trip for SolarStratos declared a huge success

SolarStratos’ first foreign trip to Quebec in Canada in June was declared a huge success! During the first half of […]

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From Kazakstan to Canada : SolarStratos shines all over the globe

Last Saturday, June 10, the 2017 Expo opened in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan. Visitors of the Swiss Pavilion will be […]

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SolarStratos heads to Canada

There is no respite for the SolarStratos team! There is barely time to savour the success of their maiden flight […]

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First flight for HB-SXA

Our solar airplane, registered as HB-SXA, made his first flight, right after sunrise, on Friday, the 5th of May ! […]

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SolarStratos flies at last!

What an incredible adventure! Beads of perspiration gathered on our brows and a cold sweat ran down our backs, but […]

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On the home straight before Solastratos takes flight

We are almost there! After many long months of hard work and intense round trips between Hurlach in Germany – […]

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