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The challenge

SolarStratos: A stratospheric odyssey for cleaner skies


Reinventing aviation to preserve our atmosphere

SolarStratos is not only promoting renewable energy, but also rewriting the future of aviation. Our objective is to demonstrate that yesterday’s impossible is today’s possible, by pushing back the boundaries of solar and electric-powered aviation.

We aspire to prove that clean technologies can not only equal but surpass the potential of fossil fuels. Our solar electric aircraft, designed to conquer the stratosphere, is not just a 21st century technical challenge — it’s a flying manifesto for greener, cleaner skies and a sustainable future.

How do we do it ?

Constant innovation focused on the power of solar energy

This odyssey towards the stratosphere is made possible through a synergy between the power of the sun and relentless innovation. Every gram, every watt, counts in our quest.

Our next challenge? To reach an altitude of 10,000 metres – a record for a solar-electric aircraft and a crucial step towards the stratosphere. To get there we’re exploring the limits of technology, seeking to turn every obstacle into an opportunity for innovation.

From our pilot’s pressure suit, powered solely by solar energy, to our ultralight propulsion systems, every component of SolarStratos is the result of pioneering ingenuity that we are proud to share with you.


A technical and human challenge

The mission will last about six hours (3 hours of ascent to get close to space, 15 minutes head in the stars, then 3 hours to come back down to earth). The aircraft and its pilot will be subjected to extreme temperatures, in the region of -70°C.